Understanding the indicators of Northern Lights viewing apps

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Apps to observe the Northern Lights may seem complicated at first with their many indicators. 

Here’s a guide to better understand them:

1. The Kp index:
The Kp index, or Planetary K-Index, measures geomagnetic activity on a scale of 0 to 9. The higher this index, the greater the chances of seeing the Northern Lights.

2. The Bz index:
This is the vertical component of the magnetic field. A negative value indicates that the Northern Lights are more likely because the Earth’s magnetic field can more easily interact with the solar wind.

3. The solar wind (SW):
The solar wind is crucial for observing the auroras. The speed of the solar wind, often abbreviated as “SWS”, and the density of the particles, denoted “Np”, directly influence the probability of observing auroras. A high SWS and a high Np density increase the chances of observations.

4. Local forecasts:
Some apps use models to predict auroras based on weather and cloud cover. This information is important because to observe the Northern Lights, you need darkness and clear skies.


To see the Northern Lights in Tromsø, Norway, there are several apps that can help you:

My Aurora Forecast: This app provides forecasts based on the Kp index and the local weather.

Norway Lights: Developed by Visit Norway, it offers forecasts specific to Norway, including Tromsø.

Yr: This app from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute provides detailed weather forecasts for the region and indications of auroral activity


By understanding these indicators and their abbreviations, you will be able to make better use of these apps and maximize your chances of admiring this spectacular natural phenomenon.

Good observations !
Team 69NORD

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